About us

Our company

Ing. Marcel Kubicek
267 27 Podbrdy 75
ID: 71514031
VAT number: CZ6410271494 (we are VAT payers)
phone: +420 603 219 343
e-mail: m.kubicek(at)servicemix.cz
Bank connection: 670100-2206281097/6210 (mBank)
IBAN: CZ34 6210 6701 0022 0628 1097

The company is registered in the Trade Register maintained by the Municipal Office in Beroun

  • We only offer quality goods
  • Expert advice for registered customers
  • Unbeatable prices for everyone

Our team


Headquarters and logistics background of the company

Our trained team will take care of the quick and trouble-free processing of your order.

Getting to know us

Our company has been operating on the Czech market for many years in the field of technical security of buildings, specifically installing low-voltage power distribution systems, low-current installations and technology supplies (electronic security systems, building communication systems, data networks, camera systems, input systems, measurement and regulation).


We have been active in the field of electronic commerce since the middle of the first decade of the century and, unlike established competing companies, we specialize only in this form of sales - we do not have any brick-and-mortar stores. Our motto is to offer a wide range of quality products at a reasonable price. Customer satisfaction is a priority for us, that's why we try to constantly expand our offer and improve our services.